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Category: Garage Sales Garage Sales
Source: Daily Inter Lake Digital Classifieds
Listed: Thu Sep 19th

Whitefish Garage Sale: Heated & Under Cover; Rain or Shine Sat. Sept 21st, 9am-4pm & Sun. 22nd, 9am-2pm 175 Black Bird Way (Use 4175 Highway 93 West, works in Google maps.) 175 Black Bird Way is a new street name and address. There is a street sign that says that.(175 BLACK BIRD WAY-175 IS ON THE FENCE). It is 3/10ths of a mile past m.m.135 and is the 2nd left past the Beaver Lake Rd. It’s the 1st left once you turn off the highway. Please be careful coming and going as it is a high speed passing zone! KITCHEN, HOUSEHOLD, FISHING, TOOLS, ROLL AROUND BATTERY CHARGER (NEW), STRAPS, CLOTHES BOOKS, MOWERS, STRING TRIMMER & TRINKETS. LETS MAKE A DEAL!
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